ANTIMATTER’ S MYSTERY AND HUMAN CIVILIZATION Suppose, you are tossing a coin. You know you can just have two possible outcomes- head and tail; therefore, the probability of both of the outcomes is half of a one. If you toss a coin a hundred times, you will possibly get fifty times a head and fifty times a tail as per the probability theory. If we follow the same probability theory then, we should not have been existed and I would not have been writing this article. The big bang explosion must have produced normal matter and anti-matter in the same proportion as defined by the probability theory, but everyone of us and everything around us is made of normal matter. Why is anti-matter so rare? If anti-matter and normal existed in same amount in the universe, then they should have canceled each other and we should not have existed. This leads to a possible conclusion that at the time of big bang, normal matter was formed more in pr...
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