
Showing posts from 2018
VISA EXPERIENCE Status – approved Date – 06/06/2018 Time - 12:50 +2 aggregate percentage-83.6 SAT I- 1380 [Not asked] SAT II- 800 (Math level II) and 790 (Physics) [Not asked] University- Youngstown State University Major- Physics – Astronomy combined major Scholarships- 13k Feel the magic in the air aale aale aale Dangal Dangal I was listening to these songs while heading towards the American Embassy with my parents because I just didn’t want to think about the consequences of my interview. We reached there before an hour of my interview. The security guards told us to come before ten minutes of the interview; therefore, I and my parents stayed in a cafe for around forty-five minutes. It was time to enter into the embassy. I was told to take out my passport and appointment confirmation. I was having goosebumps at that very moment – This is the opportunity to make my hard work of one whole year fruitful. Waiting in the queue, I
  A slut , a prostitute , a harlot , or a whore !  A slut, a prostitute, a harlot,or a whore! For you, she's just a woman who vends her morale door to door. You may have espied her skin in her short skirts. Scraped her privacy brutally with your hands,but You never tempted to her silent cries, Nor you heeded the dry tears in her eyes. Everyday, dozen of times she is raped, Thousand of times she moans. No! No! No! She is not having any fun. After you finish, she is thrown in the corner to be alone. Alone in the darkness surrounded by light Broken inside but she still gives a fight She weeps, she shouts, she even wishes To end her life at each and every night. She has become a cadaver-no vitality, no grief, no sensation. Dreaming of her nudity, you come to the brothel in desperation. No matter how tired she is, you hit her hard to brag your manhood. Feel yourself superior to execute a wretched woman's exploitation.  Imagine if she were
 SOLAR ENERGY- FUTURE OF  HUMANITY AND KEY TO    NEPAL’S PROSPERITY     From the beginning of our civilization, the sun has been the center of attraction among all the observable cosmological bodies. The simple reason behind our curiosity about the sun is that it is the shiniest object in our sky. In a period of many centuries, from Copernican heliocentrism to Keppler’s planetary motion postulates and from Newton’s law of gravitation to general theory of relativity, our knowledge about sun and its motion became better and more accurate. Advancement of high resolution telescopes enabled us to observe different phenomena occurring on sun’s surface; Nuclear Physics guided us to know how energy is produced in its core; nevertheless, in my point of view, quantum theory of light brought a revolutionary change in our thinking about the sun. Before this theory, we just considered the sun as a source of heat and