
Showing posts from January, 2018
This is the image of Adwait Marg near Bagbazar in Kathmandu, Nepal. Since Nepal is one of the favorite destinations of tourists from all around the world, one who views this image will definitely assume that the taxis are waiting for visitors to take them to different locations of the Kathmandu valley, but this prediction is far from the reality. These taxis are waiting for common Nepalese people who are heading towards the Tribhuvan International Airport leaving their friends and families. Nepal is an agricultural country, where most of the people follow substantial farming. The nation has not progressed enough in manufacturing and mining sectors despite healthy availability of natural resources. Tourism sector hasn't expanded to every corner of the country; it is only centralized in few well- known places like Pokhara, Lumbini, Mustang, Chitwan, etc. Jobs offering huge payments are limited  to a small group of people. Even highly educated people do not get jobs per the

Physics Beyond Imagination

 Physics!  What does come to your mind when you hear this word? If you’re a student, you might have started feeling headache. Don't worry! You’re not the only one.  When I ask my friends, “Do you love physics?” Everyone replies me in similar fashion: Physics and love can never stay together. I wonder why people hate such an amazing subject. One of the reasons can be that they don't realise how they use physics in their daily routine.  Imagine that you’re about to cross a road and a vehicle is heading towards you. Do you have any idea about how many calculations you are going to do now?  What’s the speed of that vehicle?  What is the distance between it and me?  What is the width of the road?  How fast can I walk across the road?  Is there any another vehicle on the other side?;if yes, what is its speed and how far is it?  You perform all these calculations within few seconds subconsciously. You don't need to proud of yourself, since many animals effectuate them not